Saturday, August 25, 2012

Sesamoiditis Pain

A condition called Sesamoiditis affects the two small bones situated under the big toe's joint, in natural terms these small bones are known as sesamoid bones. Their purpose is to provide stability to the foot and guard the tendons through weight bearing activities and walking. As a matter of fact, these sesamoid bones are vital in the gait cycle for the "push off" phase therefore its heavy usage is one reason which makes them susceptible to irritation and overuse or sesamoiditis. Since the cartilage that covers these bones becomes inflamed and irritated this condition is seldom classified as a type of tendonitis.
Sesamoiditits usually develops when excessive pressure is placed on the sesamoid bones, or when there's an injury directly to the joints, bones or tissues located in the sesamoid region of the foot, but this particular kind of inflammation might also take place due to arthritis or fracture in both or one bone. Generally, it is not an acute injury which leads to the development of this kind of pathology but rather recurring motions that exerts too much pressure on the front foot.
General activities like jumping, running, participating in ballet or wearing high heels all increase the possibility for developing sesamoiditis. Feet which are bony or have high arches are more susceptible to this condition as well. Also certain foot types exhibit exceptionally prominent sesamoid bones, and this raises the probability that excessive pressure will be exerted on the bones.
The first sign of inflammation is normally a painful sensation which keeps on growing if the level of activity is not reduced. Also there may be pain under the big toe in the joint, swelling and redness in the troubled area and the big toe might seem slightly deformed and may become stiff. If this problem is not dealt with the condition will probably become worse with time. It frequently happens that people ignore sesamoiditis till normal gait patterns and activity levels are negatively affected.
Decreasing the level of activity and making use of cold compresses will surely help reduce discomfort and increase the process of healing. The shoes must have proper cushioning and support, moreover wearing high heels must be avoided as well. A protective pad must be used in the region of sesamoid bones and orthotic devices must be used as required, and though anti- inflammatory will help relieve the pain one must not depend on them for continuing treatment.
When treatments are introduced at early stages they are non-invasive and take much less time to bring improvement in the condition. However, more advanced cases may necessitate long -term therapy which addresses the underlying issues or the usage of cortisone injections. Sesamoiditis developed due to sesamoid fracture will need more aggressive treatment by a healthcare professional or Podiatrist and a cast can be used to reposition and protect the delicate bones. Surgery is used as the last resort when all other options fail, as it can lead to many problems in itself.

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