Friday, September 7, 2012

Foot Corns And Treatment

Corns develop out of the need to protect the tissue of the toes of the feet, they develop on the top or side of the toe and are hard to the touch, and what's more, they are referred to as corns, due to their shape and color. In the medical world, we call these thickening as hyperkeratosis, and it includes the definition for calluses too.
The effects of corns are usually more towards the way a person begins to behave rather than having any health issue, as the thickenings force a person to walk in a particular way so as to put the least pressure on the corns as it can be quite painful.
It's not hard to determine the presence of corns, as they appear on those areas of the foot that comes in direct contact with the footwear and is under constant pressure, and these areas typically include sole, toe, the ball of the foot or the outside toe with thick, hard skin. There are soft corns and hard ones. Soft corns occur between the toes and appear as simply white hard skin; otherwise, a normal corn is roundish, white and quite hard to the touch.
You don't need outlandish tests to detect that you have corns, just call in a health inspector to determine whether you have corns, calluses or other forms of discomfort, and the inspection is minimalistic and brief.
To treat the corn inflicted area, you need more patience than medical science because the treatment simply involves reducing pressure and too much friction and on the corn to be treated. The choice of footwear is an integral part of the treatment process as the right footwear that fits well can mean the difference between corns and no corns. You need at least two weeks of patience after having made the adjustments to you footwear pattern. In that time you could use a corn pad for added comfort and accelerating the destruction of the corn. The built up skin can also be removed gently using the pumice stone.
When on treatment, it is strongly recommended that you completely shun physical activity that puts direct pressure on the corn, as well as stopping the use of the high heels.
You should not attempt removing the corns at home and exercise caution in using the pumice stone, because ulceration or infection on the skin might set in. Underlying conditions such as bunions also accelerate the growth of corns, and you would be saddled with the added responsibility of treating the underlying condition as well.
Diabetic patients and people suffering from immune system diseases need to be especially wary and should consult a doctor before going out with treating corns, simply because their medical needs are quite different. Whatever be the case, it is always highly recommended that you consult a qualified health professional before venturing out into treating corns and the affiliated skin problems, and these include ongoing pain or drainage from the afflicted area as well as inflammation, in addition to the problem when the corns refuse to go away by using the aforementioned schemes. Whatever be the case, professional help is highly recommended.

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